Hey There

System simplistic suckers

On a far wide plain looking in a lurking manner 

The stairwell was cleaned by Darla in her manor 

Fiction laid patiently by the piano

A tree forgot to bring an apple 

We assume missiles before stardust 

Comprehending formulas in a rhythm goo 

What would you say to him if he looked at you 

Plastic collected under a basketball hoop 

In the mud of water that also looked like delicious chocolate 

Who put that question mark in the sky 

Zipping zappers who push flimsy agendas 

They wear suits on 100 degree days 

Damn shirts are too tight 

Station agent ignoring phone calls 

Bright blue circles only exist when you stair at the sun 

We support sunrises too 

I tell ya the best eggs are over easy 

And she brings the rye every time 

Party on the hill with goat yoga and meditation beer 

Operators without a proper tonality 

Grinding teeth and chewing the smack 

We should pack for a trip there fella 

Its beautiful outside 

Somewhere in another somewhere

Lets be misfits in a baptist church 


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